Pros and Cons of Technology in the Classrooms

Is technology helping with our children's education or is it distracting them? This article reveals the 5 major pros and cons our students and schools are facing in this day and age.
Children with Technology
Children with Technology | Cheng Xin/GettyImages

Do you remember when teachers used to say, “Take out a pen and paper”? Today, they’re more likely to ask students to take out their tablets. Technology has replaced the traditional pen and paper, but has this change truly improved education? While there’s no denying the countless benefits technology brings, handing an expensive device to a child who may lack responsibility could pose challenges. Will schools eventually replace art classes with typing lessons? Could the alphabet song start with Q, W, and E one day? It’s a concerning thought. Education must evolve without losing the foundational methods that foster learning.

Classrooms are not just for teaching and learning—they’re spaces where students develop social skills. Yet, are tools like text messages, live chats, emails, and e-learning gradually replacing face-to-face communication? While these features offer convenience, many parents worry they might encourage antisocial behavior. Are students chatting with one another during breaks, or are they glued to Instagram instead? According to, children and teenagers have been struggling to have in-person connections since the 2020 pandemic.

Social media has undoubtedly been a great way to stay connected in the digital age, but it’s also a significant distraction in classrooms. Teachers often struggle to restrict internet use, yet today’s tech-savvy students are skilled at bypassing such limitations. Even without Wi-Fi, devices like computers come preloaded with games and other diversions. Unless classrooms are set up to allow teachers to monitor every screen, students are bound to wander off-task.

Beyond distractions, providing devices to every student is not a cost-effective solution. This isn’t about elite institutions like Harvard; it’s about K–12 schools. Many families cannot afford laptops or tablets, especially without assistance. Schools also need to budget for IT staff to address technical issues, adding another layer of expense.

Another worrying trend is the decline of handwriting skills. For instance, in 2016, Alabama was one of the first states to mandate the teaching of cursive in schools. Imagine a generation that struggles to hold a pen or write legibly. Not long ago, handwritten assignments were the norm, and teachers wouldn’t accept anything less.

Unfortunately, students are also at risk of losing anther talent. Due to the revolutionary ChatGPT, students can easily skip all the brainstorming and essay planning. ChatGPT can create a perfect essay within a minute or so. How will teachers be able to know if a student wrote their paper or if they had AI assistance? More importantly, how will teachers get students to care about proper writing when a program can do it for them? The thought that we may never have a future JRR Tolkien or Jane Austen is devastating.  

In the 21st century, we’ve become overly dependent on technology. While it’s essential to embrace innovation, schools must strike a balance between traditional and modern teaching methods. Students need time away from their screens to socialize, write, draw, and engage with the world around them. Progress shouldn’t come at the expense of essential skills and experiences. If we abandon the lessons of the past, we risk creating a future that’s ill-prepared for the challenges ahead.

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