Windows Recall: The Controversial AI Feature You Need to Know About

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A lot of stir has been generated on social media recently around a new feature of Windows 11 called Recall due to what many consider significant privacy concerns. If you are a Windows user, keep reading to learn more about it before it rolls out in early October.

What is the Windows Recall Feature?

Windows Recall is an AI-driven tool that improves the capabilities of the traditional Windows search. Instead of relying on metadata and file indexing, the recall feature will also search screenshots to help you find documents, images, or even snippets of text.

Privacy Concerns and User Reactions

Since the operating system will be taking screenshots of everything you do, many people are naturally concerned about privacy issues, including in government and corporate environments where security and secrecy are critical.

Can You Remove It?

 Unfortunately, according to Microsoft, you can only disable the feature. There is no way to delete it permanently from your system. A glitch in the Windows 11 24H2 update led some to believe that you could uninstall the recall feature with the Control Panel, but Microsoft quickly clarified that that wasn’t the case.

Microsoft’s Response and Future Plans

Despite much public outcry to the new feature, Microsoft stands by it and says it will work alongside other security enhancements in Windows 11, such as the Pluton security processor and Windows Hello ESS, which have a strong focus on security, implementing cutting edge technologies, like zero trust principles and eliminating bus communications. However, the tech community remains divided.

How Do I Disable Recall?

  • If you have Recall on your computer, you can turn it off by going to your settings (WIN+I)
  • Select “Privacy & Security” in the sidebar.
  • Go to “Recall & snapshots.”
  • Toggle off “Recall”.

Will Windows Recall Be on Windows 10?

No, the Windows Recall feature will not be available on Windows 10. Microsoft designed Recall specifically for Windows 11, particularly for PCs with the required hardware, such as Copilot+ devices with Neural Processing Units (NPUs).

Will the Recall Feature Be Mandatory in Future Windows Updates?

While Recall is currently only on Copilot+ PCs, there is concern that Microsoft might extend its use as AI integration in Windows evolves.

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