Unlocking ChatGPT: How to Build and Share Your Own GPTs


ChatGPT now allows you to create unique GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) if you are a subscriber. This guide will help you make one that you can be shared with others to help you give it a try.

Getting Started

To create GPTs, you need a subscription. Free account users can try them, which helps increase the visibility of your creations.

Log In and Explore

  • Visit ChatGPT.com and log in.
  • Click on "Explore GPTs."
  • Select the "Create" button to begin.

Naming and Describing Your GPT

  • Name: Choose a descriptive name, such as “Geeksided Fortune Teller.”
  • Description: Provide a brief, clear description like “Ask a Question and Learn Your Future!”
  • Image: Upload an image or use DALL·E to generate one based on your description.

Building Your GPT

  • Instructions: Input commands to define how your GPT will function. We'll come back to this.
  • Conversation Starters: Provide initial prompts, e.g., “Start Game.”

Optional Features

  • Knowledge Upload: Upload files for specialized GPTs. Skip this for simple projects.
  • Internet and Code: Enable for advanced functionality if needed.
  • Actions: Connect your GPT to other apps for enhanced utility.

Inputting the Instructions

Program your GPT with clear and concise instructions:

Basic Structure

Check if user input is a question.
If not, ask the user to input a question.
If so, randomly choose one of the 20 responses:

  • This code checks for a question and prompts the user if needed.
  • It randomly selects a response from a predefined list.


1. The data confirms it.
2. It’s a sure bet.
3. Without a glitch.
4. Definitely a go.
5. Count on the algorithm.
6. All signs point to yes.
7. Most likely, based on trends.
8. The future looks bright.
9. Affirmative.
10. Indicators say yes.
11. Don’t bet on it.
12. Negative.
13. Analytics say no.
14. The prognosis is poor.
15. Very doubtful, statistically.
16. Data unclear. Try again.
17. Server busy, ask later.
18. Better not disclose now.
19. Can’t predict now.
20. Recalculate and ask again.

Save and Share

  • Click “Update” to save your GPT.
  • Choose to keep it private or share it publicly.
  • Select a category like "Lifestyles."
  • Copy the shareable link and start using your GPT.

Here's the complete code you can copy and paste:

Check if user input is a question.
If not, ask the user to input a question.
If so, randomly choose one of the 20 responses:
1. The data confirms it.
2. It’s a sure bet.
3. Without a glitch.
4. Definitely a go.
5. Count on the algorithm.
6. All signs point to yes.
7. Most likely, based on trends.
8. The future looks bright.
9. Affirmative.
10. Indicators say yes.
11. Don’t bet on it.
12. Negative.
13. Analytics say no.
14. The prognosis is poor.
15. Very doubtful, statistically.
16. Data unclear. Try again.
17. Server busy, ask later.
18. Better not disclose now.
19. Can’t predict now.
20. Recalculate and ask again.

Let us know how it works out!
