Can You Copyright AI-Generated Content? A Guide for Creators

David McNew/GettyImages

Can I Copyright Content I Create with AI?

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed the way we create content. AI tools like GPT-4o, Grok, Midjourney, and DALL-E can generate articles, images, music, and other creative works, often with minimal human intervention. However, this brings up the question: Can I own and copywrite the content I create with AI?

Understanding Copyright Law

Copyright law protects original works of authorship, including literary, musical, and artistic works. To receive copyright protection, the submitted work must be "original" and exist in some physical form. For example, a poem must be original and written on paper or stored digitally.

In the past, this meant that the work had to be created by a human author. The U.S. Copyright Office maintains that copyright does not extend to works created solely by a machine or AI without significant human input, and several applications have already been denied. Laws in other countries may vary but are likely to be very similar.

The Role of Human Authorship

Human authorship is still the most important thing in Copyright law. If a human significantly contributes to the creation of a work generated by AI, they can claim copyright protection. For instance, if you use an AI tool to create content and then edit, arrange, or refine the output, you could be considered the author of the final work.

What About AI-Generated Works?

Works created entirely by AI without substantial human intervention are not eligible for copyright protection, at least in the United States.

The Impact on Businesses and Creators

Understanding the limits of copyright protection for AI-generated content is important, especially if you use it regularly to create content. While AI can be a powerful tool, relying solely on it can leave you without legal protection. Always edit and add original elements to your AI-created content to add a human element and make it your own.

International Law

Different countries may have varying approaches to copyright and AI-generated works. For example, the European Union is still exploring how to address the legal challenges posed by AI. However, the general trend is to uphold the requirement of human authorship for copyright protection.


  • After generating content with AI, add your creative touch by editing, altering, or integrating it into a larger work.
  • Document your creative decisions as proof of your involvement if you will be seeking copyright protection.
  • Use AI as a collaborative tool to assist in the creative process rather than relying on it to generate entire works.
  • When appropriate, be transparent with your audience or clients about the use of AI in your content creation process.
  • Use AI in a way that respects both the technology and the creative community.

Dangers and Warnings

  • AI laws can change at any moment, and if you use a lot of AI content in your work, you might run into problems later.
  • Some AI tools have restrictive licenses that could limit how you use the generated content.
  • If your work is 100% AI-generated, other people CAN use it.
  • Many people have a negative view of AI-generated content, which can extend to the people or companies that use it.

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