If you have been following along with our DIY modular offline AI, you will have a scheduler script that takes regular scans of your Desktop folder and lists the files in a CSV file. Now, we’re going to take a look at how we can clean up the data a little and make it more sustainable and easier to access for the AI.
What we can do so far
While there are a lot of steps to creating a DIY AI, the good news is that you can do a lot of things along the way to help make you more productive. For instance, you can use the central scheduler we made in part five to schedule the Facebook media posts we’ve shown you how to make here at GeekSided automatically.
You can also use it to schedule and log your internet speeds at different times of the day, which is another script we’ve covered here at GeekSided. Incorporating these ideas can help you get your program running right from the start.
Cleaning up
In the last guide, we started outputting our Desktop file information to a CSV, which can help give you an idea of what you are setting the AI to look at. If you have allowed the script to run a few times, you can look at the CSV files and see the data they contain. If they are extremely large, you can look through them to find any files or folders that are unlikely to change and move them to another location or programmatically tell the script to ignore those files during the scan. For instance, I have the code for my DIY AI on my Desktop and don’t want the script to scan my virtual environment folder because of the large number of Python libraries that have thousands of files.
Once you narrow it down so you are only scanning the important files, it’s also better to store them in a database table instead of the CSI file so the AI can access all of the information much faster.
Finally, since we will be accessing the database with multiple scrips, it’s better to create a common utility script that will keep the database logic in one place so it is easy to update if we need to.
Moving ahead
To make use of the database, we will modify our script. We will use a full scan script to complete a scan of our Desktop and add it to the database. This script will create a hash for each file, which is like a fingerprint that it will also store in the database.
Next, we’ll create an incremental scan that you can run much more frequently than the one that created CSV files. This script will only look for changes, including new files, changed files, and deleted files, and log any it finds in the database.
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Benefits of this method
Since we are only looking for changes, running the script requires much less processing power. There is also much less data collected without sacrificing the ability to know when any files changed. Hashing also allows us to find duplicates easily and know when a file moves.
How to add this system to your DIY AI project
Create the database table
First, you will need to create a table in your database to store the file information. It will need to have the following fields. We made them all text fields so they work easily with different databases, but you might want to use integers and datetime later.
file_name TEXT(255),
extension TEXT(50),
size_bytes TEXT,
last_modified TEXT(255),
hash TEXT(255),
created_at TEXT(255),
scanned_at TEXT(255)
Create the common_utils.py file
This file contains the information for logging into your database and also handles the hashing and extracting of data from the files. Remember to add the path to your database.
# common_utils.py
import os
import hashlib
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import pyodbc
DB_PATH = r"C:\path\to\file_tracking.accdb" # Update this to your actual Access DB path
DIRECTORY_TO_SCAN = Path.home() / "Desktop" # Adjust if needed
def get_connection():
conn_str = (
r"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};"
return pyodbc.connect(conn_str)
def compute_hash(file_path: Path) -> str:
"""Compute SHA-256 hash of a file."""
hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
return hash_sha256.hexdigest()
def file_metadata(file_path: Path):
"""Return (file_name, extension, size_bytes, last_modified) for a file."""
stat = file_path.stat()
size = stat.st_size
last_mod = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_mtime)
ext = file_path.suffix
file_name = file_path.stem
return file_name, ext, size, last_mod
Create the full_scan.py file
After creating this file, you will run it once to populate the database initially. It also includes an option to skip a directory if it exists. If you don’t want it to leave out any directories, just set a path that doesn’t exist.
import os
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import pyodbc
from common_utils import get_connection, compute_hash, file_metadata, DIRECTORY_TO_SCAN
# Directory to skip
SKIP_DIR = Path(r"C:\Path\to\folder\to\skip")
def sanitize(value: str) -> str:
# Double up any single quotes to avoid SQL errors
return value.replace("'", "''")
if __name__ == "__main__":
conn = get_connection()
cur = conn.cursor()
now = datetime.now()
now_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(DIRECTORY_TO_SCAN):
root_path = Path(root)
# Remove SKIP_DIR if encountered
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if (root_path / d) != SKIP_DIR]
for fname in files:
file_path = root_path / fname
file_name, ext, size, last_mod = file_metadata(file_path)
last_mod_str = last_mod.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
file_hash = compute_hash(file_path)
# Convert all fields to strings and sanitize
path_str = sanitize(str(file_path))
file_name_str = sanitize(file_name)
ext_str = sanitize(ext)
size_str = str(size) # size as string
last_mod_str = sanitize(last_mod_str)
file_hash_str = sanitize(file_hash)
now_str_sanitized = sanitize(now_str)
# Build the SQL statement directly
sql = f"""
INSERT INTO Mailop_FileTrack (
path, file_name, extension, size_bytes, last_modified, hash, created_at, scanned_at
'{path_str}', '{file_name_str}', '{ext_str}', '{size_str}', '{last_mod_str}', '{file_hash_str}', '{now_str_sanitized}', '{now_str_sanitized}'
# Attempt to insert
except pyodbc.IntegrityError:
# If the file path already exists, skip
Create the incremental scan file
Next, we create the incremental scan file that looks for changes and logs them. Add this to your content schedule and run it daily or even every day to note any changes that the AI can use later.
import os
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import pyodbc
from common_utils import get_connection, compute_hash, file_metadata, DIRECTORY_TO_SCAN
# Directory to skip
SKIP_DIR = Path(r"C:\Path\to\folder\to\skip")
def sanitize(value: str) -> str:
# Double up any single quotes to avoid SQL errors
return value.replace("'", "''")
if __name__ == "__main__":
conn = get_connection()
cur = conn.cursor()
now = datetime.now()
now_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
now_str_sanitized = sanitize(now_str)
# Get known files
cur.execute("SELECT path, size_bytes, last_modified, hash FROM Mailop_FileTrack")
known_files = {}
for row in cur.fetchall():
# row.path, row.size_bytes, row.last_modified, row.hash are TEXT
# Store them in a dict
known_files[row.path] = (row.size_bytes, row.last_modified, row.hash)
current_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(DIRECTORY_TO_SCAN):
root_path = Path(root)
# Remove SKIP_DIR if encountered
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if (root_path / d) != SKIP_DIR]
for fname in files:
file_path = root_path / fname
file_name, ext, size, last_mod = file_metadata(file_path)
# Convert to strings
file_name_str = sanitize(file_name)
ext_str = sanitize(ext)
size_str = str(size)
last_mod_str = last_mod.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
last_mod_str_sanitized = sanitize(last_mod_str)
file_hash = compute_hash(file_path)
file_hash_str = sanitize(file_hash)
path_str = sanitize(str(file_path))
if str(file_path) in known_files:
old_size, old_last_mod, old_hash = known_files[str(file_path)]
# Compare as strings
if (size_str != old_size) or (last_mod_str != old_last_mod):
# File changed, re-hash done above
# Update record
sql = f"""
UPDATE Mailop_FileTrack
SET size_bytes='{size_str}',
WHERE path='{path_str}'
# Unchanged, just update scanned_at
sql = f"""
UPDATE Mailop_FileTrack
SET scanned_at='{now_str_sanitized}'
WHERE path='{path_str}'
# New file, insert
sql = f"""
INSERT INTO Mailop_FileTrack (
path, file_name, extension, size_bytes, last_modified, hash, created_at, scanned_at
'{path_str}', '{file_name_str}', '{ext_str}', '{size_str}', '{last_mod_str_sanitized}', '{file_hash_str}', '{now_str_sanitized}', '{now_str_sanitized}'
except pyodbc.IntegrityError:
# If file path already exists, skip
# Optional: handle deleted files if needed
# missing_files = set(known_files.keys()) - set(current_files)
# For now, do nothing with deleted files.
What’s next?
Now that the script is running, it will collect important information and save it in the database. This work will make it easy to find duplicate files. You will also be able to use this information to keep track of the work you do on the Desktop, allowing AI to provide insights into your daily routine and much more, which we’ll get to soon.
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